Form of style: Unsigned is a creative magazine with unusual patterns and layouts. I will mainly use colder colours than bright ones as I am targeting and older audience. The cover will include models that are around the same age as the target market. As my magazine is all about new upcoming artists there will be no celebrities as they have been discovered. There will be a new band or artists on every issue with will include interviews of them and their reviews. As I am aiming for teenage girls there will teenage age role models and attractive boy bands inside most issues. My magazine will as include auditions for shows such as X factor and competitions where you could possible get signed. The graphics will bold and catchy, there will also be a lot of cover lines to show the magazine is good for your money; I will sell the magazine at around £1.20-£2. As the average price for a teen magazine is £2.70 I will attract more readers as it is a cheaper magazine to buy.
Themes and typical features: unsigned will include reviews of artists and interviews; it will also include how to get the celebrity look which includes make-up, jewellery and fashion. I will focus more on male bands and artists as teenage girls because teenage girls are more likely to buy the magazine. It will also include music makeovers which will be featured in the celebrity look sections. As it is a new magazine their will not be many loyal followers as they would never have heard of the magazine before. The writer will use similar language to the target audience with will show the magazine is up to date and will make the read interesting to the target audience.
Potential advertising: the adverts in my magazine will include competitions, concerts and beauty products and bands such as Max factor.
Editorial team: the editorial team will be made up with experience writers who have been working in teenage magazine for a long time, and are aware of what stories and style of writing attracts the target audience. They will bring fresh, new ideas that will get more people interested into the magazine; famous celebrities interested in music will be interviewed and will interview the new bands, this will attract customers, as people are interested in famous people.
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