Monday, 19 December 2011

Audience Research (Questionnaire)

1) How many music magazines do you read a month?

·      0-1 a month
·      2-4 a month
·      More than 4

2) What sort of articles do you like to read most?

·      Interviews
·      Reviews
·      20th greatest albums
·      Other

3) What price range would you like a music magazine to be in?

·      £1.20-£2
·      £2.10-£2.90
·      £3
·      More than £3

4) What is your favourite music magazine at the moment?


4b) Why do you like it?

5) Would you prefer one person or more than one person on the front cover?

·      One person
·      Two people
·      More than two

6) What type of shot would you prefer to see on the magazine?

·      Close up
·      Mid-close up
·      Mid shot
·      Mid-long shot
·      Long shot

7) What type of genre would you prefer the music magazine to be?

·      Rock
·      Pop
·      Britpop
·      Hybrid (has more than one genre)

8) Do you think the magazine should be for both genders?

·      Yes
·      No
·      Don’t mind

9) What 2 colours would you want to see on the front cover?

·      Red
·      White
·      Yellow
·      Blue
·      Purple
·      Green
·      Black
·      Pink


  1. 1) 0-1 a month

    2) other


    4)a. Kerrang

    b. its specific to my favourite kind of music

    5) depends on who it is e.g group or solo artist

    6) mid-long shot

    7) Pop

    8) yes

    9)purple and white

  2. 1) 0-1 a month


    4)a. none at the monent

    5) one

    6) mid-long shot

    7) Pop

    8) yes

    9)purple and white

  3. 1) How many music magazines do you read a month?

    · 2-4 a month

    2) What sort of articles do you like to read most?

    · Interviews
    · Reviews

    3) What price range would you like a music magazine to be in?

    · £3

    4) What is your favourite music magazine at the moment?

    don't have one.

    4b) Why do you like it?


    5) Would you prefer one person or more than one person on the front cover?

    · One person

    6) What type of shot would you prefer to see on the magazine?

    · Close up
    · Mid-close up
    · Mid shot

    7) What type of genre would you prefer the music magazine to be?

    · Rock

    8) Do you think the magazine should be for both genders?

    · Yes

    9) What 2 colours would you want to see on the
    · White

    · Black
